Moab Horses at Hauer Ranch
Backcountry Horseback Trail Rides
Join the fun of horse riding near Moab through miles of scenic open range in some of the most spectacular country you can imagine. Horseback riding near Moab is the ideal way to view the beautiful southeastern Utah desert. Enjoy the peace and quiet as you meander near the Colorado River, cross Onion Creek and see vistas of famous movie sites. Step back in time and enjoy the raw, unchanged splendor of the landscape.
Guest Reviews
My family and I rode horses with Sena and John for a sunset ride and it was totally amazing. TRULY A PEAK EXPERIENCE of my life. Thank you so much Sena for making it happen, especially at sunset. I have been talking non-stop about it to family and friends back here in California. Your horses are clearly happy and well-taken care of. Such sure-footed, beautiful creatures. We will never forget that gorgeous experience!! Thank you again!!
We are now back in Sweden since a few weeks, We had a fantastic road trip in the US. Colorado (Winter park) – Utah (Moab-Bryce canyon) – Arizona (Grand canyon (it was awesome as you said!) – Nevada (Las vegas) – California (LA, Santa Monica beach) and New York (Manhattan). Horse riding with you was one of our highlights and we really enjoyed the fantastic scenery and your company.
For anyone thinking of visiting the Hauer Ranch… My family was there for a great ride last June. The horses were perfect for each of us, with varying level of horsemanship skills. The scenery was amazing. Even the dogs were great entertainment! We all had a great time and will be back next time we are out West! I highly recommend your wonderful trail rides. Keep up the good work!
Our stay at your ranch was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle that helped make sense of it all. We felt blessed stepping onto the porch at first light and seeing God’s art slowly come into view in all directions.
We had a FANTASTIC stay at the Hauer Rock House. The amazing scenery, privacy, and unique house were a welcomed site after a hard day of mountain biking the rims of Moab. From the rental agent, cleanliness of the house to the friendliness of the ranch hands, it was a WONDERFUL experience!